Thursday, March 27, 2014

Battle Report - Imperial vs Rebel - 22 March 2014

Welcome to Rolling Blanks first battle report. Any suggestions about the format are appreciated as I am still trying to balance conciseness with readability. Also note there will be no The Wookie Won segment on battle report days.

Rebel (Will) 100 points (Won Initiative)

Ibitsam with Advanced Sensors
Dagger Squadron with Advanced Sensors

Imperial (Michael) 100 points

Howlrunner with Stealth Device
Mauler Mithel
Dark Curse
Night Beast
Winged Gundark

Pre-Deployment Setup


Turn 1

Dagger Squadron barrel roll then straight 3
Chewbacca straight 4 then target locked Night Beast
Winged Gundark straight 3 then focus
Night Beast straight 5 then focus
Ibitsam barrel roll the straight 3
Dark Curse straight 5 then focus
Backstabber straight 5 then focus
Mauler Mithel straight 4, hits asteroid, no damage
Howlrunner straight 3 then focus

Dark Curse @ Chewbacca [RNG 3] Roll: FF Used Focus New Result: HH
Defense Roll: E End Result: -1 Shield
Chewbacca @ Night Beast [RNG 3] Roll: FFB Used Focus New Result: HHB
Defense: EEB End Result: None
Night Beast @ Chewbacca [RNG 3] Roll: HB
Defense Roll: FB End Result -1 Shield
Backstabber @ Chewbacca [RNG 3] Roll: CF Used Focus New Result: CH
Defense Roll: EE End Result: None

Summary: Chewbacca and the trio of TIE pilots got in range early and exchanged some long range pot shots which resulted in Chewbacca losing a couple of shields.

Turn 2
(Note: We were unsure if Night Beast got his focus if he performed a green maneuver which resulted in bump but we agreed to allow it for this game.)


Dagger squadron straight 2 then focus
Chewbacca straight 2 then target locked Backstabber
Winged Gundark straight 3 then focus
Night Beast straight 2, bumps Chewbacca, gains free focus
Ibitsam focus then bank 3, stressed
Dark Curse straight 3, bumps Chewbacca
Backstabber k-turn 4, stressed
Mauler Mithel straight 2 then focus
Howlrunner straight 3, hits asteroid, critical result of Thrust Control Fire, stressed


Howlrunner @ Dagger Squadron [RNG 1] Roll: HFF Used Focus New Result: HHH
Defense Roll: E End Result: -2 Shields
Mauler Mithel @ Dagger Squadron [RNG 1] Roll: HHFB Used Howlrunner Result: HHFB Used Focus Final Result: HHHB
Defense Roll: B End Result: -3 Shields
Ibitsam @ Night Beast [RNG 3] Roll: HBB Used Ability New Result: HBB
Defense Roll: EFFB End Result: None
Backstabber @ Chewbacca [RNG 1] Roll: HHHF
Defense Roll: B End Result: -3 Shields
Chewbacca @ Backstabber [RNG 1] Roll: HHFB Used Target Lock New Result: HHBB
Defense Roll: EFB End Result: -1 Damage
Winged Gundark @ Dagger Squadron [RNG 1] Roll: HFB Used Howlrunner New Result: HFF Used Focus Final Result: HHH
Defense Roll: B End Result: -2 Damage
Dagger Squadron @ Howlrunner [RNG 1] Roll: CHHH
Defense Roll: EFFF End Result: Howlrunner Destroyed

Summary: Howlrunner, Mauler Mithel, and Winged Gundark ganged up on the Dagger Squadron
B-Wing and nearly destroyed it. In retaliation it focused it fore on Howlrunner and in
spite of the Stealth Device destroyed her in an impressive volley. Backstabber swung
around and fired at point blank range taking down Chewbacca's shields. In response the
Chewbacca fired and managed to hit Backstabber in reply.

Turn 3


Dagger Squadron focus, turn 1, stressed
Chewbacca k-turn 3, stressed
Winged Gundark k-turn 4, stressed
Night Beast k-turn 4, stressed
Ibitsam bank 1, target lock Backstabber
Dark Curse k-turn 4, stressed
Backstabber straight 2, loses stress, focus
Mauler Mithel k-turn 4, stressed


Mauler Mithel @ Dagger Squadron [RNG 1] Roll: CHHH
Defense Roll: E End Result: Dagger Squadron Destroyed
Ibitsam @ Backstabber [RNG 2] Roll: HHF Used Target Lock New Result: CHH
Defense Roll: EBB End Result: 1 Critical, 1 Damage, critical result of  Direct Hit
Backstabber @ Chewbacca [RNG 1] CHH 
Defense Roll: B End Result: 1 Critical, 2 Damage, critical result of Injured Pilot
Backstabber Destroyed
Chewbacca @ Night Beast [RNG 3] Roll: FBB End Result: None
Night Beast @ Chewbacca [RNG 3] Roll: FB End Result: None
Dark Curse @ Ibitsam [RNG 2] Roll: BB End Result: None
Winged Gundark @ Ibitsam [RNG 2] Roll: HF
Defense Roll: E End Result: None

Summary: Mauler Mithel gained vengence for the loss of Howlrunner by immediately
destroying the Dagger Squadron B-Wing. Ibitsam pursued Backstabber and destroyed him in
a single volley. However Backstabber being of equal pilot skill got to unleash one final
attack into Chewbacca doing an impressive three damage. 

Turn 4


Chewbacca straight 1, loses stress, target lock Night Beast
Winged Gundark turn 2, keeps stress
Night Beast straight 2, loses stress, evade, free focus 
Ibitsam barrel roll, k-turn 2, stressed
Dark Curse straight 2, focus
Mauler Mithel bank 3, keeps stress


Mauler Mithel @ Chewbacca [RNG 2] Roll: BB End Result: None
Ibitsam @ Winged Gundark [RNG 2] Roll: CHB, Used Ability, New Result: CHH
Defense Roll: FBB End Result: Winged Gundark Destroyed
Dark Curse @ Chewbacca [RNG 1] Roll: BBB End Result: None
Chewbacca @ Night Beast [RNG 1] Roll: HFFF Used Target Lock New Result: CHHF
Defense Roll: EEB Used Evade New Result: EEEB End Result: None
Night Beast @ Chewbacca [RNG 1] Roll: HBB 
Defense Roll: F End Result: -1 Damage

Summary: Ibitsam now turned his attention on Winged Gundark and destroyed him before he
could get another shot off. Chewbacca went after Night Beast who barely evaded the 
onslaught. In reply Night Beast shot back at Chewbacca managing to do a bit of damage. 

Turn 5


Chewbacca, k-turn 4, stressed
Night Beast k-turn 3, stressed
Ibitsam turn 2, stressed
Dark Curse k-turn 3, stressed
Mauler Mithel bank 3, loses stress, hits asteroid, 1 damage


Mauler Mithel @ Ibitsam [RNG 1] Roll: HFFF 
Defense Roll: F Used Ability New Result: E End Result: None
Ibitsam @ Mauler Mithel [RNG 1] Roll: CFBB, Used Ability, New Result: CHFB
Defense Roll: EEB End Result: None
Dark Curse @ Ibitsam [RNG 2] Roll: HF
Defense Roll: E End Result: None
Chewbacca @ Mauler Mithel [RNG 2] Roll: CHH
Defense Roll: EEE End Result: None
Night Beast @ Ibitsam [RNG 2] Roll: FB End Result: None

Summary: Lots of shooting and no damage. The only winner this round was the asteroid
which managed to do a bit of damage to Mauler Mithel. 

Turn 6


Chewbacca, straight 2, loses stress, bumps Ibitsam
Night Beast straight 2, loses stress, evade and free focus
Ibitsam straight 2, loses stress, barrel roll
Dark Curse straight 2, loses stress, focus
Mauler Mithel bank 3, bump Dark Curse


Mauler Mithel @ Chewbacca [RNG 1] Roll: CHHB
Defense Roll: B End Result: 1 Critical, 2 Damage, critical result of Damaged Cockpit, ignored
Dark Curse @ Chewbacca [RNG 1] Roll: CCF Used Focus New Result: CCH
Defense Roll: B End Result: Chewbacca Destroyed

Summary: Mauler Mithel and Dark Curse focused on Chewbacca finally taking him down. 

Turn 7


Night Beast k-turn 3, stressed
Ibitsam focus, turn 2, stressed
Dark Curse k-turn 3, stressed
Mauler Mithel turn 1, focus



Summary: Ibitsam flies into the asteroids to put some distance between himself and the
remainder of the TIE fighters. 

Turn 8


Night Beast bank 3, keeps stress
Ibitsam straight 2, loses stress, focus
Dark Curse bank 3, stressed, bumps Night Beast
Mauler Mithel turn 1, focus


Mauler Mithel @ Ibitsam [RNG 3] Roll: BB End Result: None
Night Beast @ Ibitsam [RNG 3] Roll: FB End Result: None

Summary: A few stray potshots are taken at Ibitsam to no effect. 

Turn 9


Night Beast straight 2, loses stress, evade, free focus
Ibitsam barrel roll, k-turn 2, stressed
Dark Curse bank 2, loses stress, barrel roll
Mauler Mithel bank 2, focus


Mauler Mithel @ Ibitsam [RNG 3] FB Used Focus New Result: HB
Defense Roll: EB End Result: None
Ibitsam @ Mauler Mithel [RNG 3] HHB Used Ability New Result: CHH
Defense Roll: FBBB End Result: Mauler Mithel Destroyed
Dark Curse @ Ibitsam [RNG 3] HF
Defense Roll: BB Used Ability New Result: BF End Result: -1 Shield

Summary: Mauler Mithel attempted to take a long range shot at Ibitsam who had the same 
idea. Mauler completely missed whereas Ibitsam hit critically destroying Mauler Mithel. 
Dark Curse also took a potshot and managed to knock down a shield. 

Turn 10


Night Beast bank 2, evade, free focus
Ibitsam bank 1, barrel roll
Dark Curse focus, bank 2, bump Ibitsam 


Ibitsam @ Night Beast [RNG 2] Roll: HHBB 
Defense Roll: EEB End Result: None

Summary: Ibitsam tried to put the hurt on Night Beast but he managed to avoid the pain. 

Turn 11


Night Beast bank 2, evade, free focus
Ibitsam bank 1, barrel roll
Dark Curse bank 2, bump Ibitsam


Night Beast @ Ibitsam [RNG 3] Roll: HB
Defense Roll: FFB Used Focus New Result: EEB End Result: None

Summary: A wild shot is easily dodged by Ibitsam.

Turn 12


Night Beast bank 3,  bump Dark Curse, free focus
Ibitsam focus, k-turn 2, stressed
Dark Curse bank 2, barrel roll



Ibitsam @ Night Beast [RNG 3] Roll: CHF Used Focus New Result: CHH
Defense Roll: EEE End Result: None
Dark Curse @ Ibitsam [RNG 1] Roll: FFB End Result: None
Night Beast @ Ibitsam [RNG 1] Roll: CB
Defense Roll: B Used Ability: New Result: E End Result: None

Summary: Some shooting exchanged but everyone managed to avoid taking any damage.  

Turn 13


Night Beast bank 2, hits asteroid, crit result of Console Fire
Ibitsam straight 2, loses stress, bump Night Beast
Dark Curse turn 1, bump Ibitsam



Summary: Due to a traffic jam no one was able to come to work this turn. Night Beast does manage to set his controls on fire though in the second turn of the game where only the asteroid wins.

Turn 14


Night Beast bank 2, puts out Console Fire, free focus
Ibitsam focus, turn 2
Dark Curse k-turn 3, stress token


Dark Curse @ Ibitsam [RNG 2] Roll: FB End Result: None

Summary: Night Beast manages to put out the flames and Dark Curse misses Ibitsam.

Turn 15


Night Beast turn 1, focus
Ibitsam, focus, k-turn 2, stressed
Dark Curse straight 3, loses stress, barrel roll


Ibitsam @ Night Beast [RNG 1] Roll: CFBB Used Ability: New Result: CHFB Used Focus Final Result: CHHB
Defense Roll: FFB Used Focus New Result: EEB End Result: 1 Critical, critical result of Damaged Cockpit
Dark Curse @ Ibitsam [RNG 1] Roll: HHF
Defense Roll: E End Result: -1 Shield
Night Beast @ Ibitsam [RNG 1] Roll: BBH
Defense Roll: B Used Ability New Result: B End Result: -1 Shield

Summary: Ibitsam seeing that Night Beast needs some help with his cockpit decides to fire into it causing another crit. However both TIEs managed to land a bit of damage in return whittling down Ibitsam's shielding.

Turn 16


Night Beast k-turn 3, stressed, hits asteroid, no effect
Ibitsam, bank 1, loses stress, bump Dark Curse
Dark Curse k-turn 4, stressed



Dark Curse @ Ibitsam [RNG 1] Roll: CBB
Defense Roll: B Used Ability New Result: B End Result: 1 Critical, critical result of Direct Hit
Night Beast @ Ibitsam [RNG 2] Roll: FB End Result: None

Summary: Dark Curse puts the hurt on Ibitsam and manages to shoot off some important looking part. Night Beast still cant see out the windshield and misses. 

Turn 17


Night Beast bank 2, loses stress, hits asteroid, no effect, bumps Ibitsam, free focus
Ibitsam focus, k-turn 2, stressed
Dark Curse straight 2, loses stress, bump Night Beast



Ibitsam @ Night Beast [RNG 2] CHF Used Ability New Result: CHH
Defense Roll: EBB End Result: Night Beast Destroyed
Dark Curse @ Ibitsam [RNG 2] Roll: HH
Defense Roll: E End Result: Ibitsam Destroyed

Summary: Ibitsam finally managed to pick off Night Beast but Dark Curse never took his eye off the prize and managed to eke out a win finally destroying Ibitsam.

Imperial Wins!

So ends our first battle report. Aside from missing the picture taking step a few times I think it went well as it was a balanced game that went down to the wire. See you all next week!

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