Friday, March 21, 2014

An Introduction

First off I would like to thank the person who designed the shirt that my blog background came from. I found the shirt on but I could not find the artist. So if you are out there please email me and I will give you credit here. 

I play both factions and I play a lot of games. I lean towards Imperial but its mostly because I want it to be represented in my local meta which seems fairly Rebel oriented.

It is my intention to update this blog at least twice weekly starting next week. I have prewritten articles prepared so I will do my best to keep this commitment. 

A disclaimer: this entire site is my opinion. There is no right and wrong and I am not looking to argue my points or battle the internet for non-existent supremacy. Agree or disagree we all play the same game and are here to have a good time which is all that matters in the end. 

Now that the formalities are out of the way I would like to start things off by bringing up a list I play tested and an interesting build for Boba Fett I played against. 

The list was 99 points and consisted of

Colonel Jendon with ST-321, Engine Upgrade, and Weapons Engineer
x3 Scimitar Squadron with x1 Homing Missiles

The idea is pretty simple. Move slowly for the first two turns and get early target locks populated on your Bombers. Then move your Bomber wave in for an alpha strike, take out one of their ships and then attempt to take out the remaining ships with careful focus firing and depending on the lists inherent tankiness. 

The downsides are it is vulnerable to ion cannons especially if you get a stress token. Once locked down the Bomber is virtually doomed due to its 2 agility and lack of shields. If you miss your alpha strike you are also in a great deal of trouble. The list screams for Captain Jonus but you really need those guaranteed Target Locks more. In addition it is very helpful to be able to Focus or Barrel Roll as needed. 

Something I've noticed is that the TIE Bomber is much more maneuverable than people seem to think it is. It has a 3 and 5 K-Turn on its dial. This generally means long strafing runs. I find it easy to run circles around Y-Wings and B-Wings and it is roughly as maneuverable as an X-Wing. But unlike an X-Wing it is very vulnerable to crits and its fire output is only 2 attack dice. So coming back from a slump can be very challenging. 

The only other thing worth bringing up is the Engine Upgrade on the Lambda. It feels expensive but this is a huge benefit in the long run. After the target locks have been handed out you really want to make use of those 3 attack dice. This means overcoming the lack of maneuverability on the dial and the ability to Boost helps nicely with that. 

To wrap things up I'm starting a new segment called The Wookie Won where I will showcase an interesting build or list I've heard about or seen played. For our first segment give this build a try and see if you can find a new respect for everyone's favorite hired gun.

Boba Fett - The Most Feared Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy 50 points

Boba Fett with Engine Upgrade, Navigator, and Opportunist

This build means you can be unpredictable with your movement have the ability to change headings or changing the distance of your movement using either Boba's ability or the Navigators. Then using the Boost action you can put yourself in perfect position to take advantage of a target that doesn't have a Focus or Evade token to get up to 5 Attack dice at Range 1. For the same points Expose is also an option if you don't mind losing a point of Agility.

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