Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Event Summary - Game Kastle Fremont 05/05/14

I had the good luck of participating in the X-Wing Tournament at Game Kastle Fremont on Sunday. It was a very well run event and I really appreciated everything happening on time. I went 1-2 and the list I ran was 100 points:

Krassis with Heavy Laser Cannon, Recon Specialist, and Seismic Charges
x4 Obsidian Squadron Pilots

My first opponent had a list at 99 points:

x2 Alpha Squadron Pilot
x2 Academy TIE
Mauler Mithel with Swarm Tactics
Howlrunner with Swarm Tactics

It was a strong list. I only managed to take out the Interceptors and bring Howlrunner down to 1 Hull before time was called. He had managed to kill everything but a single Obsidian TIE on my side. Nothing was out of my favor in terms of dice luck but I was a bit aggressive with my Firespray and he ended up with a pair of Direct Hits on him which ended his attack run a turn sooner than I had expected. Also Howlrunner shot out an Obsidian TIE in a single shot which was pretty rough.

My second opponent was a friend of mine who I have played many times. It was my only win. His list was 100 points:

Dagger Squadron Pilot with Advanced Sensors
Ibitsam with Push the Limit

It was an extremely close game. He had managed to knock down three Obsidian TIEs and I only took out Chewbacca. I won by 3 points. No major mistakes this game though I could have been a bit more aggressive with my Firespray but I was still gun shy after the first game.

My final opponent had a list which was 99 points:

x3 Bounty Hunter

He ended up with initiative and the rock placement was pretty aggressive for both of us. However in the end I could not summon enough dice to take out more than one Firespray. I did have another down to 4 Hull but he had taken out Krassis as well as an Obsidian TIE.

Overall I felt I have improved a bit over my last tournament showing. However my list was not very strong in execution and I did make some mistakes which further hindered me. Krassis is okay but honestly I don't think the HLC or his ability are very good on the Firespray chassis. Most battles end up as close range knife fights anyway. A Bounty Hunter with a Recon Specialist would have done as well in my opinion. Furthermore the Seismic Chartges were entirely useless. I also did not get as much mileage out of my Obsidian TIEs as I had hoped. It only became relevant in one game and that was the first one. I believe I could have gotten the same performance from Academy TIES.

In retrospect I missed Howlrunner and should have adjusted things in order to take her. Based on what I saw at the tournament this is what I should have taken at 99 points:

x2 Academy TIE
Bounty Hunter with Recon Specialist
Mauler Mithel with Swarm Tactics
Howlrunner with Swarm Tactics

This has just about the same amount of firepower but now has pilots who are able to fire at Pilot Skill 8 and 7. Mauler is very dangerous at Range 1 and you keep the Firespray for support and hit points.

75x75 - Mini Elite Wing (75 points)

Howlrunner with Hull Upgrade and Swarm Tactics
Night Beast
Mauler Mithel with Expose

This list has a nice range of higher than average Pilot Skills in conjunction with Howlrunner to let Night Beast fire at above his pay grade. Hull Upgrade also should buy her a little bit of time as she is commonly focused first. Mauler is deadly at Range 1 especially with Expose and poses a threat to one shot an unlucky ship. Backstabber is also no slouch. I like the combination of threats that this list poses.

See you all on Thursday!

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