Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rolling Blanks Tournament Prize Reveal 1 of 2 & Tournament Philosophy

So next Saturday is the big event so as it draws near I wanted to preview one of the two custom painted models that will be in the prize pool. The first is a crimson TIE fighter.

Next week I will also preview the custom painted A-Wing. 

Now I wanted to talk a little bit about why I chose 75 points for my tournament. I know its not a standard total and that is actually part of the reason. I wanted to shake up conventional thinking and make people think outside the box a little. Also 75 point games go a little faster and also tend to favor smaller ships to an extent. Lastly it is a little easier for newer players to round up the requisite number of ships in order to participate. This design philosophy called out to me as beneficial. We will see how it works in execution. 

75x75 - XXA 75 points

A very straight forward list with better than average Pilot Skill, survivability, and firepower. Tycho is the star of this list and should attempt to flank and harass as much as possible while staying out of enemy fire arcs. With Refit he is only 3 more points than his X-Wing counterparts and with good flying should be able to be a serious thorn in the side of your opponent. 

See you all next week! 


  1. That's an awesome looking paint job. Did you do this yourself? My shaky hands can't get any precision like that. Awesome job.

  2. I painted this and the A-Wing that will be previewed next week. Both of them are in the prize pool for the tournament on the 17th.

  3. Great job. Hopefully after my finals for school are done I can go and pilot my squadrons more often.
