Monday, January 18, 2016

Tournament Report

Randy's House of Games
Sacramento CA

This was an event I attended with another local player to a location neither one of us had ever been to. Our understanding was that it was going to be mostly newer players and so both of us resolved to take something other than our usual tournament style lists in order to have a slower pace of game and go a little easier on the newer folks as it were. On arrival it was about 70% new player and the rest had some or extensive experience. My travelling companion decided to play his regular tournament list consisting of Miranda, a TLT Y-Wing, a Stresshog, and a Z-95. He is practicing quite a bit with this build in order to prep for the more challenging store tournaments. I, on the other hand, rather than take Bro-bots decided to play something a bit more fun which was.

Latts Razzi w/ Weapons Engineer, K4 Security Droid and Tactical Jammer
x2 Syndicate Thugs w/ Twin Laser Turret
Binayre Pirate

This list is 100 pts as a bid isn't needed for it. You use the YV-666 in a support roll passing out target locks which get used to make sure your TLTs do what they need to do. It's slow but consistent damage and overall is a pretty tanky list. The downside is it can be difficult to insure damage output from Latts and to get use of the Jammer you have to fly in a somewhat awkward formation. But it did see uses, especially in the last two games.

Round 1

x3 Trandoshan Slavers w/ Feedback Array and Tactician

Result: Loss (50 vs 60)

Not only was the list completely out of left field from what I was used to but there were 2 people (out of 18) at the event running it. So crazy! I also flew against the better of the two pilots (based on standings at the end of Round 3) as he knew precisely how to keep them able to cover each other and mostly managed to keep at least 2 able to fire at all times. I managed to burn down one and do significant damage to the other but I didn't have what it took to come out ahead. Good pilot who made very few mistakes with a very strange list. Was happy to see him at the top tables towards the end of the event.

Round 2

x4 TIE/fo (Omega Ace, Epsilon Leader, x2 Omega Squadron Pilot with lots of upgrades)

Result: Win (100 vs 20)

Here was one of the aforementioned new players who seemed to already have had a hard game previous and wasn't at his best from a flying perspective. It was a short game with him taking 6 HP off of Latts and a couple HP scattered elsewhere. He admitted to me after the game that he usually flew something else and that this list was a last minute change of mind before his first tournament (tournament jitters!) and I let him know that I completely sympathized. I have done that to myself a few times and it has NEVER worked out for me either. We talked lists for a while and I wished him luck.

Round 3

Miranda Doni w/ Twin Laser Turret and C-3PO
Gold Squadron Pilot w/ BTL-A4 Title, R3-A2 and Twin Laser Turret
Gold Squadron Pilot w/ Twin Laser Turret
Bandit Squadron Pilot

Result: Loss (12 vs 100)

Of course I got paired up with the person I came with. We had done this exact match up before and at least I didn't repeat my same mistakes this time around. But the outcome was known before the models were put into deployment zones. He had an amazing turn dishing out 8 to Latts in a single round. So you know what kind of game this was. I got Miranda down to half, the shields off the Y-Wings and I did manage to exact revenge on the Bandit Squadron Pilot who thinks he is Poe Dameron and rolls nothing but crits like its his job by shooting him to one HP and watching him blow himself up on rock. With a crit. Justice is served. :)

Cool Stuff I Saw: I saw some nicely painted models on a few tables which was always welcome. I also saw a Scum list trying to make Talonbane and a Black Sun Ace with Bodyguard work which is not something I ever thought of. So props to him. Might have worked better with Graz the Hunter...

Conclusion: This was a fun event and it was cool to see a different local meta and meet some great new X-Wing players. Thanks to the people running the event and to the venue for hosting it.

Okay I can't let it go. Here is a list that doesn't work and is a terrible idea. Never run it and please forgive me for making it but my brain wouldn't let me rest until I did.

Graz the Hunter w/ Stealth Device
Black Sun Ace w/ Bodyguard
Syndicate Thug with Twin Laser Turret and Unhinged Astromech
Spice Runner with Twin Laser Turret

Okay I'm done now. Just a note; until the new ships are released for Scum I will be playing Imperials as I cannot afford the handicap against the cutthroats I'm expecting to engage in combat with.

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