Saturday, January 23, 2016

Tournament Report

Games of Berkeley
Berkeley CA

Number of Players: 10

I return triumphant. I have just won my first official X-Wing event. I remembered to take some pictures and battle summaries this time. But first how I'll share how it began...

It started in a dream. I was brought before a dark imposing throne where a wretched evil creature sat. I knew the creature. It was Emperor Palpatine. He looked me over.

"You play Scum. *evil cackle* Weak and sad. You have no place among the Sith!"

"Hey you geriatric prick! I've gotten some wins..." I replied defensively.

"Ohhhh my apologies. Was it Bro-Bots are TLT Thug spam?" His eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Neither." Mumbling now. "Some different builds..." I trailed off weakly.

The creature on the throne cackled with laughter. "I'm sure they were quite... competitive."

I looked down. The creature knew. I couldn't lie to it. Its power was undeniable.

It said in a booming voice "Take my apprentice and myself into the field of battle. You will taste real power and become one with the dark side!"

"No! I'm committed. I'm working on a Kavil list! I, uh... " I stammered unsure of where to go.

"I'm sure you are." it cooed "If you want to lose all season I'm sure they will interview you at Worlds. What was it like taking the weirdest list in the tournament? You did so well not to place last." It laughed again.

I dropped to my knees "I must... fly... casual." My hands hit the floor "cannot give in... to... evil...."

Palpatine laughed for an eternity. Finally it rose and looked at me directly.

"I see potential in you. But you must go to the dark side. You must take Darth Vader and myself and two other very strong Imperial pilots. You must practice. With those things the dark side will give you victory. A shiny medal. A river of plastic extra munitions tokens. Endless alternative art Gunner cards!" It roared triumphant.

Weakly from the floor I raised an arm

"Okay Palpatine. I give in. I will do these things. I must taste victory."

It smiled, eyes obscured by its cloak. "Good. Gooooood." It began to laugh again and I slipped into unconsciousness.

That is exactly how it happened.

My list

100 pts representing my take on the now quite well known "Palpmobile" list. 

Note: I did not manage to remember to take pictures after every single round, I only started with picture once the action was heating up and pictures were usually taken after the round was done. 

Round 1
Result: Win (69 vs 40)

My opponents name was named Greg. His list was: 

Captain Yorr w/ Emperor Palpatine
Darth Vader w/ Veteran Instincts, Title, Advanced Targeting Computer and Engine Upgrade
Omega Leader w/ Comms Relay, Stealth Device and Juke

Nearly a mirror match and my hardest game of the tournament. Round 3 saw Yorr with 2 crits sitting at only 3 hull remaining. I was completely untouched at that point and feeling saucy. 

Round 4 I managed to take Yorr out. A victory! Now only I would use the dark side... But he was far from out. My Omega Leader was down to 2 hull. But so was his

Round 5 had me make a bad move with my Omega Leader and I lost him. I also did no damage that round. 

Round 6 I managed to tap into the dark side and avoid any damage on Vader while Wampa did 2 hits on his Vader, 1 of them critical. A direct hit! Woo!

Round 7 had his Vader be extra slippery and he went and stayed out of arc keeping himself alive with 1 hull remaining. No damage this round. 

Round 8 had Vader continuing to slip away. My Omicron Pilot got mad and took out his Omega Leader. The game ended and Vader had slipped through my fingers... 

Round 2
Result: Win (100 vs 14)

My opponents name was named Chase. He was the awesome TO of the tournament. His list was: 

Boba Fett w/ Veteran Instincts, Tactician, Glitterstim, Seismic Charges and Engine Upgrade
Moralo Eval w/ Bossk, Gunner, Tactician and Heavy Laser Cannon

It was so good to play against Scum. Big ships as well! Loved seeing it on the table. I'd also like to mention that the mine was used and it did score a point of damage on Omega Leader and Vader. Sadly it also got Moralo. Boba don't have no friends! 

The pain started early on Round 2 with me putting a few points of damage on Boba and in return he got 1 on Wampa from Moralo and Wampa returned the favor putting a point on Moralo.

 Round 3 continued the damage trading. Moralo did a point on Vader. Boba did 2 to the Omicron. Vader retaliated with 1 point back on Moralo. 

Round 4 saw Wampa being hit for another point. 1 hull remaining. So he knocked another shield off Moralo. Boba gottagged hard and lost the rest of his shields. 

Round 5 saw the death of Wampa. 1 hit on Omega Leader from Moralo. 1 hit and 1 crit to Moralo from Vader. Also 1 hit and 1 crit on Boba. Both his big ships were dripping with damage and I was now safe from his arcs. 

Round 6 sealed the deal as Boba was taken out with a double Direct Hit! You could just imagine him punching the hyperspace button to get out of there so he could fight again another day. No damage in reply this round. 

Round 7 finished it up with Vader rolling 4 dice at range 1 into Moralo and scoring 2 hit and 2 crits. It was all over.

Round 3
Result: Win (100 vs 26)

My final opponents name was named Jon. His list was: 

Whisper w/ Veteran Instincts, Agent Kallus, Fire Control System and Advanced Cloaking Device
Soontir Fel w/ Royal Guard TIE, Push the Limit, Targeting Computer and Autothrusters
Omega Leader w/ Veteran Instincts and Comm Relay

He and I bantered a bit and it was a tremendously fun game. 

First blood went to me in Round 3 (after much positioning) with Darth doing a point to his Omega Leader. Wampa scored a point on Soontir. His Whisper and Omega both hit my Omega Leader for 1 each. So close to dead...

Round 4 saw Soontir blowing up Omega Leader with 3 crits on his end and all blanks on mine! Ahhhhh! Wampa got mad and did another point to Soontir. My shuttle got mad and blew up his Omega leader in reply. Woo! Whisper decided to take up real estate sales and landed gently on a nearby asteroid. No damage though. 

Round 5 Whisper decides the market isn't doing so hot in rock sales and she fly away. Unfortunately a pebble hit her windshield and she takes a damage. Vader, pissed at seeing Omega Leader, ruined Soontir and blows him to pieces. No return damage. 

Round 6 was all positioning. Shuttle hits a rock and doesn't get damaged. No damage this round. 

Round 7 sealed the deal with Vader once again blowing Whisper apart. 

I won the whole event which represents my first official X-Wing tournament win. Which is awesome. Its a shame it wasn't with Scum but someday. In the meantime though I know who I really owe my victory to...


  1. Well done! And they don't interview you for weirdest list at Worlds, sadly: I had one of two Star Vipers and the only Scyk there, and didn't get interviewed...

  2. Well done! And they don't interview you for weirdest list at Worlds, sadly: I had one of two Star Vipers and the only Scyk there, and didn't get interviewed...
