Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Store Championship Report - Game Kastle Santa Clara

Tournament Report - UPDATED -

Game Kastle
Santa Clara CA

Number of Players: 51 (Confirmed)
My placing at the event: 36th
Score: 2 2 0 10 389

Three notes before we get to it; as usual I missed taking a few pictures here and there. I only played four rounds of the event and I knew this going in as I had prior commitments and lastly I took the same list I took to Games of Berkeley to this event. I had a lot of fun and it was a taste of the endurance needed to play at a high level.

Round 1
Result: Loss (48 vs 100)

My first opponent was named Eli and he was flying almost a mirror of my list, No Comms Relay on Omega Leader and no VI on Vader but he had EU.


Round 1 - no action.

Round 2 - My Vader Rng 3 rolls HHC doing 1 to his Vader. His Vader Rng 1 rolls C on Wampa doing no dmg. My Omega R2 rolls H to Vader doing 0 with Palp. His Omega R2 rolls HH on my Wampa doing 1. My Wampa palps for C for one hull on his Vader. His Wampa R3 at my shuttle doing 1 dmg. My shuttle is out of arc. His shuttle Rng 2 rolls HHC on my shuttle. My shuttle is down by 3 shields. 

Round 3 - his shuttle takes 1 from the rock. I land Vader on a rock doing 1 to me. Note: This is my biggest mistake in the game and it costs me the game most likely. His Vader R1 rolls HHC on my Wampa and I lose Wampa. My Omega R2 rolls HH at his Wampafor 0. His Omega R1 rolls HC on my Omega taking 1. His Wampa rolls C doing 1 to my Omega. My shuttle rolls HHC and he Palps and managed to take 0.

Round 4 - I don't take any rock dmg moving Vader. His Vader on my Vader. Rolls H R2 obstructed. He Palps and ATC to HHC I rolls and Palp to take 1 shield. His Omega H with same modifiers and I evade. His Wampa with another natural C. Vader takes 1 hit. My shuttle range 1 on his shuttle doesn't dmg.

My poor flying leaves me needing to eke out a few pts and survive. He is also starting a string of rolling three natural crits in a row with Wampa but I don't know that yet. 

Round 5 - My Vader misses his shuttle. His Vader R3 rolls H at my Omega doing 0. My Omega does 1 to his Vader. His Omega R2 on my Vader. He Palps to get CC. My Darth evades naturally. My shuttle Palps on his Vader to get CC. He flubs and has no Palp and he gets Direct Hit. His Vader is dead. I'm now ahead! It's unexpected and undeserved but still welcome. 

Round 6 - My Vader goes nuts and with Palp and ATC gets CCC on his shuttle which is now down to hull. While this feels good it was a serious pay mistake in regards to target priority and using Palp too early. His Omega R1 rolls H on my Omega. I can't modify and no Palp so my Omega is down to 1 Hull. His Wampa managed to take out my Vader. Ouch. Quickly my lead is crushed.

Round 7 - His Omega R1 rolls C at my Omega doing 0. His Omega R2 rolls CC at my Omega who rolls blanks so he's gone.

I give him full pts for his MOV and to give me an easy next round. I made 4 mistakes, two huge ones which easily cost me that game. Big learning. But still feeling good. 


Round 2
Result: Win (100 vs 15)

My second opponent was named Dan. His list is was 4 Black Sun Aces with Crack Shot and Inertial Dampners. I love playing Scum and playing against them!


Round 1 - No action.

Round 2 - No action.

Round 3 - K44 TL my shuttle. Omega TL K44. Vader TL K40 and Evade. Vader on K40 HC with ATC. He evaded. Omega rolls H on K44 doing 1 shield. K44 atk Shuttle R3 with TL 1 H and I evade. K0 R3 obs on Onega for HHC. I palp and evade token and he crack shots to do 1 to Omega. K40 R2 on Vader Rolls HH and he evades. K39 on Vader R3 rolls HH and I burn evade token and he crack shots to do 2 to Vader. Wampa rolls H on K44 R3 no hits. Shuttle R3 on K44 HHC. He takes 2 dmg and 1 Crit. Console Fire.

Round 4 - K44 K40 and K0 TL shuttle. Omega R2 K39 rolls H he evades. K0 R2 on shuttle gets HHH and I evade so he does 2. K40 at shuttle R3 gets HHH and I evade 1 so he does 2. K44 R2 on shuttle. HHC thanks to all the TL. Gets hit and Weapons Failure. R39 R3 on shuttle gets C and I evade.  Wampa R1 at K39 whiffs so I palp a Crit for a dmg card. Shuttle R2 at K44 rolls H which is dodged.

I remembered his console fire Crit which he now rolled. It killed K44. So we retracted one hit and one Crit on the shuttle.

Round 5 - K0 k turns through a rock and takes one dmg. Vader TL K40. Vader at K40 R3 obs HC. And he evades. Omega Palps a HHC on K39 and he evades down to 1 shield of dmg. K0 whiffs R1 shuttle. K40 R1 shuttle and whiffs again. WTF! Wampa R2 on K39 and he evades. Shuttle HHHC at R1 into K39 and blows him up.

Round 6 - K40 and K0 TL shuttle.Vader on K40 R1 and with palp and ATC get HHCC and get major explosion and Dirext hit. Boom! Omega R1 into K0 and gets 2 hits. No evades. K0 on the shuttle R2 HHC and get 1 evade. 1 hit and a Damaged Engine Crit. Shuttle is so bad it don't care! Wampa R3 at K0, 1 evade 1 hit.

Round 7 - I predict his inertial Dampeners almost perfectly. I use Wampa for insurance and Vader R1 seals the deal. 


Round 3
Result: Win (100 vs 59)

Chris game 3 he is running Poe with VI, AT, R2-D2. Stresshog, TLT Y wing, and a Bandit Z-95.

Round 1 - No action.

Round 2 - No action.

Round 3 - Vader on Poe R3 obs HHC and only gets 1 evade. 2 dmg shields down. Poe R1 Wampa HHC and I roll 1 evade and take 1 dmg and Direct Hit! On man. Wampa down! Two TLT shots at Vader from Y0 and with Palp no dmg on Vader.

Round 4 - Stresshog rocks for no dmg. Omega TL Poe. Vader R1 Poe and with Palp and ATC I get HCCC. Poe is vaporized. Omega C on Y0 for 1 shield. Stresshog R2 on Vader rolling no dmg but 1 stress then TLT and I lose a shield. Z95 does R1 1 to Vader. Shields down. Y0 TLT Vader and 1 dmg goes through. Shuttle HH on the Z-95 and both go through.

Round 5 - Omega on Y0 R1 does HC and it goes through. Y0 TLTd Vader down. All the blanks! Stresshog TLT into Omega for no dmg. Z95 R1 Shuttle rolls H and I palp an evade. Shuttle R3 at Y0 1 C and gets Thrust Control Fire.

Round 6 - Omega into Y0 R1 HHC with Palp and get 2 through with 1 hit and a Damaged Sensor Array. Shuttle R2 on Stresshog and get HC taking 2 shields off.

Round 7 - Omega R1 into Y0 rolling HHH killing Y0. Stresshog R2 obs fires primary rolling HH which I evade and take a stress. Then TLT stresses and does no dmg with Palp and Evade Token. Shuttle R3 at Stresshog getting HC and he evades 1. Shields down on Stresshog.

Round 8 - Y0 at Omega R1 Primary rolls H no dmg. Z at Omega R3 rolls C  and no dmg. Shuttle R3 at Stresshog Palps for HC and gets a hit an a Direct hit!

Round 9 - Only shot is R1 shuttle against the Z. With TL and Palp got HHHC and wiped the Z out.

Round 10 - Stresshog fires into Lambda R1 HH and 1 hull. Down to 4. Shuttle uses TL and Palp for HHCC and the hog is dead.


Round 4
Result: Loss (15 vs 100)

This was my toughest round my far and this person went to take second at the event. His name was David and he was running; Vader w/ Crack Shot, ATC, Title. Zeta Leader w/ Crack Shot. Howlrunner w/ Crack Shot. BSP w/ Crackshot. Wampa

Round 1 - No action.

Round 2 - My Vader at BSP R2 and had to burn TL to get HH and 1 got through. His Vader R2 at Omega and he HHC with ATC and I burn evade and he Crack shots to get te shield off. Omega at BSP and I palp for HCC and one Crit goes through Dorect Hit killing BSP. Zeta at Omega 1 using Zeta and his ability and Howl is HHHH. I managed to evade but he crack shots and takes him out. Wampa R1 whiffs His Vader. His Wampa R3 Vader HH with Howl and I still take 1. Those blanks!

Round 3 - Vader R1 into Howl HCC with Palp another Direct Hit! His Vader gets HCC. Doing 3 shields. Howlrunner R2 into Shuttle HC down to hull on Shuttle. Zeta into Shuttle CC Direct Hit and Console Fore! Ow. Wampa R1 into shuttle and gets 3 hits. Shuttle goes down.

Round 4 - Vader into Howl R2 H evades by Howl. My Wampa R1 into Zeta and whiffs. His Wampa into mine rolls a natural Crit and does 1 to my Wampa.

Round 5 - His Vader R2 obs at my Wampa. Rolls C which is evaded. Zeta whiffs R2 on Wampa. My Wampa does HH and gets a shield off his Vader. His Wampa rolls natural Crit at R1 and does 1 to my Wampa.

Round 6 - Zeta on Wampa for HHHH which wipes out Wampa. His Wampa rolls HC at R2 on Vader doing 1 through shields.

Round 7 - My Vader R1 HC on Zeta which is evades. His Vader R2 obs on my Vader CCC which I evade. Howl R1 on my Vader HH which does 2 after crack shot. Vader down to 1 Zeta wraps it up at R1 HHCC. 


Overall a great event and an excellent opportunity for learning. I wish I could have stayed longer and gone to all the rounds. I will be going to the Sacramento event this upcoming Saturday and I have no idea what I'm going to take. I will be experimenting with a couple lists tonight but I don't expect much from them. 

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