Monday, February 29, 2016

Store Championship Report - Forgotten Path Games

Forgotten Path Games
Vacaville, CA

Number of Players: 36 (Confirmed)
My placing at the event: 8th

Finally got my range ruler.

My List

x2 Syndicate Thug w/ Unhinged Astromech, BTL-A4 and Twin Laser Turret
Torkil Mux w/ Blaster Turret and Moldy Crow
x2 Binayre Pirate

I wont go over the blow by blow for this post. I went 3-2 and had a very respectable MoV. I am damned happy that I finally made top 8. Special thanks to 707 Squadron and to the event itself for being one of the best I've attended so far. Aside from a snafu which cost 20 minutes of time in the 5th round to get sorted out it went very well. They gave away game mats during each round which was especially welcome. From a meta perspective I say a TON of bro-bots and x4 TLT Y-Wings. I played both of those lists once. The most interesting lists I saw were x8 Z-95 and x2 Kihrahxz and x3 Z-95 on the top tables. My next post will hopefully be a link to the video of my 3rd round game at Gamescape North.

One last note: all content on the blog has been tournament driven and will remain so until the end of March. After that the main tournament season is over and I will return to regular content.

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