Saturday, February 6, 2016

Store Championship Report - Great Escape Games

Great Escape Games
Sacramento, CA

Number of Players: 46 (Confirmed)
My placing at the event: 27th
Score: 13 MoV: 556 SoS: 85

My list:

Zeta Leader w/ Crackshot
Howlrunner w/ Crackshot
Mauler Mithel w/ Crackshot
Scourge w/ Crackshot
x2 Academy TIEs

100 pts

Note: I was the only pure TIE swarm at the event.

Round 1
Loss (31 - 100)

His list:

Rear Admiral Chirneau w/ Expert Handling, Papa Palpatine, Rebel Captive and Engine Upgrade
Vader w/ TIE/x1, Veteran Instincts, Advanced Targeting Computer, and Engine Upgrade

Notes: This guy ended up going to the top eight. I got the Decimator down to half  and beat up Vader but I couldn't seal the deal. He flew well and my Evade dice betrayed me.

Round 2
Modified Win (50 - 43)

Her List:

Omicron Pilot w/ Papa Palpatine
Vader w/ TIE/x1, Veteran Instincts, Advanced Targeting Computer, and Engine Upgrade
Zeta Leader w/ Wired

Notes: This was a tough list. I liked seeing Wired on Zeta Leader. It was well flown and I barely scraped by with a modified win.

Round 3
Win (100 - 0)

His List

IG88-A w/ Crack Shot, Fire Control System, Heavy Laser Cannon, Glitterstim, IG-2000, and Autothrusters

IG88-B w/ Crack Shot, Fire Control System, Heavy Laser Cannon, Glitterstim, IG-2000, and Autothrusters

Notes: This was my only super stomping of the tournament. I had built the list to give the robots a hard time and when it came around it worked exactly the way it was supposed to and he rolled green dice like I did my first game. It was over in four rounds. Not much to say.

Round 4
Loss (0 - 100)

His List:

Han Solo w/ Veteran Instincts, C-3PO, Luke Skywalker, Millennium Falcon, and Engine Upgrade
Poe Dameron w/ Veteran Instincts, R2-D2, and Autothrusters

Notes: This was a long drawn out slog against my natural predator. He flew it well.

Round 5
Loss (35 - 100)

His List:

Soontir Fel w/ Royal Guard TIE, Push the Limit, Autothrusters, and Stealth Device
Omicron Pilot w/ Papa Palpatine
Vader w/ TIE/x1, Veteran Instincts, Advanced Targeting Computer, and Engine Upgrade

Notes: The best I flew all day. I got the shuttle down to one shield so I could have gotten 50 pts with a little bit more luck. Bad evade dice. Awesome flying. Good opponent. Pro tier experience.

Round 6
Win (100 - 18)

His List:

Ten Numb w/ Veteran Instincts, Fire Control System, and Mangler Cannon
Gold Squadron Pilot w/ R3-A2 and Ion Cannon Turret
Bandit Squadron Pilot

Still on fire from my last game I used my TIEs and built and inescapable box that he could not fly through or around. Systematically blew him apart. Rolled average. Flew well. Booya.

Overall it was a decent event. Wish the store had provided some secondary support outside of the store kit. Seems a little thin in that regard considering the 15.00 entry cost and number of players. They also started rounds pretty much immediately after posting pairings but it seemed to work out actually so I didn't have a problem with it. But six rounds in a row with no break is brutal. A trial by fire. Special thanks to 707 Squadron.

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