Monday, February 22, 2016

Store Championship Report - Gamescape North

Gamescape North
San Rafael, CA

Number of Players: 28 (Confirmed)
My placing at the event: 11th

This was the best I've ever done at a tournament and I was very proud of my performance.

My List

x2 Syndicate Thug w/ Unhinged Astromech, BTL-A4 and Twin Laser Turret
Graz the Hunter
N'Dru w/ Lone Wolf, Cluster Missiles and Glitterstim

Round 1
Result - Win (100-50)

Name: Marshall


Dash w/ Push the Limit, Heavy Laser Cannon, Kyle Katarn, Outrider and Engine Upgrade
Miranda w/ Twin Laser Turret, C3-PO and Conner Net

Notes: Lost N'dru due to poor flying. Flew Graz okay but was too bold with him and got him dead. It was up to the awesome no-name Y-wing pilots to win the day.

Round 2
Result - Win (100-25)

Name: Bobby


Poe w/ Push the Limit, BB-8 and Autothrusters
Wedge w/ Predator, R2-D2 and Integrated Astromech
Gold Squadron Pilot w/ R3-A2, BTL-A4 and Twin Laser Turret

Notes: Flew well but it turned into a straight joust and I came out ahead. Lost N'dru again to poor flying.

Round 3
Result - Loss (62-100)

Name: James
Player Note: He ended up placing 2nd at the event. 707 Squadron represent!


Miranda w/ C3-PO and Twin Laser Turret
Gold Squadron Pilot w/ R3-A2, BTL-A4 and Twin Laser Turret
Gold Squadron Pilot w/ Twin Laser Turret
Tala Squadron Pilot

Notes: Had to fly against another member of 707 Squadron. It was a complete slugfest. I made a couple mistakes, one of which was costly but overall it just came down to who could punch harder and he came out ahead. Great game. It was recorded by Trinity Squad Gaming and I will post the video once its up.

Round 4
Result - Win (100-50)
Name: Darryl


Poe w/ Veteran Instincts, R5-P9 and Autothrusters
Dutch w/ Twin Laser Turret and Targeting Astromech
Prototype Pilot w/ Chaardan Refit and Autothrusters
Prototype Pilot w/ Chaardan Refit

Notes: Another tough slugfest that almost went to time. Managed an early takedown of Dutch but had to slowly work Poe and the A-Wings down. Flew decently well. Even got to vaporize an A-Wing with N'dru but again he and Graz died after eating way more shots than he should have.

Round 5
Result - Loss (30-100)
Name: Jossle


Howlrunner w/ Crack Shot
x3 Black Squadron Pilot w/ Crack Shot
Darth Vader w/ Veteran Instincts, Advanced Targeting Computer, TIE-X1 and Engine Upgrade

Notes: We both flew well and it was a damned tough game. Critical move that cost me the game was the right one but it was stopped by about being a millimeter too close to Vader. That move not working was the loss of the game and kept me from 8th place. Brutal. Still great game and it felt really good to taste the top tables for the first time.

Final Thoughts: I think I underestimated the value of Graz in my Kihraxz article. The fact that he can semi-reliably bounce TLT shots really helped in my games and people had difficulty compensating for him. Consequently he took a lot of shots meant for my Y-Wings and that was very useful. N'dru however was very lackluster and was definitely the weak point of the list. I will not be running him again. Overall a great event and a good venue with the best players. Can't wait to see Drew win it again next year. ;)

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