Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Boba the Fett

Just for fun next time you play at 75 points consider taking the most expensive build in the game.

Boba Fett - Big Spender 75 points

Boba Fett with Advanced Proton Torpedoes, Gunner, Homing Missiles, Heavy Laser Cannon, 
Opportunist, Proton Bombs, and Shield Upgrade

Roll deep with the baddest hired gun in the galaxy! You will be sure to conquer all of the enemies. Much win. Fear nothing (except for Lightning Guns and Saarlac Pits) and get fat paid! Only one ship? No problem for Boba who packs an one extra shield because that's all he needs. Missiles and torpedoes say other big ships can suck it. Use your Gunner and Heavy Laser Cannon to vaporize TIE fighters in a single shot. Of course Boba has Opportunist. He is the only character who should be able to take it. If you look in the dictionary for the definition of Opportunist you will see his face. Also next to the word awesome and the word baller as hell. Which is three words but Boba Fett doesn't play by the rules! 

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