Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Winning Lists of the Game Kastle Santa Clara Event on 04/19/14

I suppose the big news was that I got to see the GR-75 Rebel Transport first hand last night but Im sure other blogs are doing unpacking reviews and perhaps have even played a game or two with them so I won't rehash that here. I did find out what lists won the event I  attended two weeks ago and thought it was interesting. It was a tie for first place. Here are the lists:

Note: If there are any inaccuracies please let me know and I will correct them. Thank you.

List 1: 

Luke Skywalker

Note: I do not know how, or if, they spent the 2 points which are unaccounted for in this list

List 2: 

Blue Squadron Pilot with Advanced Sensors
Dutch Vander with Ion Cannon Turret
Garven Dreis 
Rookie Pilot

The first list stuck out to me initially as I wasn't sure I saw the synergy but then I realized that all three of those ships are very tough in their own way. Chewbacca is  obvious and is a well known tank in Rebel three ship lists. Luke's ability increases his survivability and he is more difficult to kill than one would expect from a lone X-Wing. Ibitsam's ability works for offensive and defensive rolls. So as long as she has a stress token she can re-roll her single Agility die and that can add up over time.

The second list is very consistent in terms of firepower as well as board control with the ion cannon. The action economy provided by Dutch and Garven is nice and the combination of 6/2 Pilot Skill should help a bit in maneuvering. I've seen this list flown and it is flown in a very tight windmill formation that does not leave obvious choices in target priority and insures that everyone gets to shoot. The B-Wing rides in the back while  Garven and Dutch go in the middle and the Rookie leads.

75x75 Micro-Swarm 75 points

Bounty Hunter with Recon Specialist
x3 Obsidian Squadron Pilot

This is simply a shrunk down version of the standard Firespray-31 mini-swarm list. It combines the firepower and health of the Firespray with a trio of TIE fighters. If one were so inclined they could take Academy TIEs instead of Obsidian Squadron and spend three more points elsewhere but I feel that having everyone at Pilot Skill 3 is useful both for maneuvering as well as having an edge against lower Pilot Skill lists which I expect there will be many of at the event.

See you all on Thursday!

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