Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hobby Sector - TIE Fighter Repaint

So in this new segment I will be showing modifications and repaints that I have done or that I run into that I think are worth sharing. I have started with my TIE fighter repaints. I know that the Empire wasn't big on custom paint jobs but I wanted a way to easily distinguish my TIEs from my opponents and I wanted them to still be interesting looking without being overly flashy. I think this was a good balance.

We will return on Tuesday.


  1. Hello,

    I was wondering when you repaint these models, do you have to do anything special before hand or do you just slap the new paint on?

    I have no painting experience at all, but I found it very nice and interesting to see the different ways that people have painted their models.

  2. It depends on what I'm planning on doing. On some of my repaints I just paint over the existing paint. Other times, including the TIE repaints, I used black matte primer before I started painting.

  3. I see. Well, hopefully if I have the time this weekend I'll give it a shot. I will start with my TIE Fighters then move on to the rebel ships that I have accumulated. Thanks for the information, I've been a bit confused if I could just slap the paint on. This helps me out a lot.
