Thursday, April 17, 2014

Local Meta

The other night I got to hear about and experience some interesting lists that I thought were worth sharing. The first is 100 points.

x5 Gamma Squadron Pilots with Seismic Charge

This is pretty straight forward. Five TIE bombers and the ability to time an attack run to ruin someones day with 5 damage. This can one-shot a lot of ships which should keep people from tailing you. Otherwise it is just five TIE Bombers which Ive talked about in other articles. This could be considered a defensive alpha strike list. In the same vein is another list at 100 points.

x5 Scimitar Squadron
Howlrunner with Swarm Tactics

This is TIE Bomber swarm. It needs Howlrunner to provide dice consistency but it is a lot of meat to chew through and is six TIE fighters worth of firepower. A potential drawback I see in this list is formation flying Bombers with Howlrunner might be challenging. Also she is pretty vital to the list and is she goes down this list loses a lot of its punch in my opinion.

x4 Grey Squadron with Ion Cannon Turret

This list is 100 points and provides a lot of control in the form of the ion cannons but is limited by the maneuver dial of Y-Wing a bit. I do like how tough it is and the damage is consistent ifa little less bursty than people tend to like.

x2 Bounty Hunters w/ Recon Specialist & Seismic Charge
Omicron Shuttle with Darth Vader

This is a list I like a lot. It is 100 points. I've played against it and with it and found it to be tough and able to dish out damage like clockwork. It is vulnerable to hostile asteroid placement in a big way so that has to be considered and I would advise practice in formation with flying big ships. A hint: You actually don't mind if your shuttle bumps every turn in order to keep it moving along with the group.

75x75 - Mixed Swarm

x2 Alpha Squadron Pilot
x3 Obsidian Squadron Pilot

This list is 75 points and brings fives TIEs to the table. It has a decent blend of firepower and hit points and the Obsidian Squadron pilot skill bump may give you an edge against Academy TIEs. Also you can easily fly in two groups which may help if anyone brings Assault Missiles. The slight edge on firepower with the TIE Interceptors may give you what you need to overcome a TIE swarm mirror match.

See you all again next week!

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