Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Event Summary - Game Kastle Santa Clara 04/19/14

I had the fortune to participate in the store tournament at Game Kastle in Santa Clara last week. It was a huge event with over 32 players showing up which I suspect is more than the store was expecting. They managed to get 16 tables together but things started a bit late. Here is a summary of the match ups I remember. If you were there and I made any mistakes please let me know.

The list I brought was 100 points.

Dutch Vander with Ion Cannon Turret
Garven Dreis
Gold Squadron with Ion Cannon Turret 
Rookie Pilot

Round 1 - My first opponents list looked something like this. I believe it was 100 points.

Blue Squadron Pilot with Advanced Sensors
Garven Dreis
Lando Calrissian with Millenium Falcon Title, Nein Nunb, and Weapons Engineer

The opening went well for me with the destruction of the B-Wing and all my ships remaining intact. I then managed to get Garven down to 1 Hull. However I spent three turns trying to finish Garven off so I could focus on controlling Lando with my Y-Wings but it wasn't meant to be. He picked off my ships one by one and at the end I had a single Y-Wing left. I gave him full points for his tie breakers and moved on to my next round.

Round 2 - I believe my opponents list was 100 points.

Academy Pilot
Bounty Hunter
Dark Curse
Mauler Mithel
Royal Guard Pilot 

My opponent played this mixed swarm list pretty effectively and the only ship I managed to take out was Dark Curse. I did have the Bounty Hunter down to 2 Hull but nothing else was destroyed. He only managed to take out Garven after some heroic evading by the Rookie Pilot so in the end he won by 10 points. I have him full points for his tie breakers.


My list was very conservative and a bit too control heavy in my opinion. One Ion Cannon Turret would have been useful but two was overkill. Dutch's ability was decent and had synergy with Garven's ability for action efficiency but it wasn't enough to overcome the low firepower of the list. Additionally I made some maneuvering mistakes my first game that cost me some shooting by K-Turning too late.

I saw many different lists there and there was a great deal of diversity which was really great to see. I am not sure who placed at the event and what they took but it anyone knows it would be great to be able to post that information here. Overall it was a good time and I'd like to give a big thank you to Game Kastle for providing the space and TO for the tournament.

75x75 - A-Wing Swarm

x5 Prototype Pilot with Chaardan Refit

I believe this might be a lot of fun to run at this event as it is rare to get to use an unreleased card outside of friendly games. It takes on the TIE swarm approach and in the limited format may be quite strong especially as the list has more hit points than a regular TIE swarm. I know that at least one person is going to run this list and I am very excited to see it on the field.

On Thursday we post the Firespray-31 Teardown. See you then!

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